
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What makes it all worth while...

Christian relaxing...
Xander & Daddy...

Xander & Christian... (Day 1 for Xander)

Xander & Daddy...

Christian, Xander, & Daddy.

So, if you have a grandma, Thank the Lord above, And give Grandma higs and kisses, because Grandmas are to love...
Xander & Grandma.

A toy just for me....

Finally!!! Something that is mine, All mine!!! I have reverted back to the elementary years and forgot how to share. Im declaring that noone in this household, besides me, touch this! LOL! I have a new toy and that hasnt happened in years! I have a house full of boys, and as much as I love them, I never feel like Im allowed to buy things for myself, and always feel guilty for even wanting something for myself, while they have all the new video games and gadgets... Today was the day for change! I saw this and loved it!My husband said 2 two words that I hardly ever hear when he saw it. "Buy it." So I snatched it up real quick and payed before he changed his mind. He also grabbed me a VERY cute pink case. And the best feature is I can sync my online calender and always have it with me! I cant live without my audiobooks and music so I am feeling super-happy!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Headband Display DIY Tutorial

I saw this somewhere online a while back and wanted to make one to have for displaying my headbands at shows.   If anyone wants to know how I did it, here is a DIY tutorial so you can make one of your own.

I will try to explain and if you have any questions, just contact me and I will help as much as possible.

Supplies needed:
PVC pipe {I used 4 inch diameter, 2 feet wide}
Wooden Dowel {1 inch Diameter}
Wooden board for base  { I bought a precut peice in the mailbox section at Lowes for around $2}
Fabric for covering the pipe { I used black imitation animal skin look fabric. }

Cut your dowel into 2 peices {You will figure your own measurements on height in relation to where you will be displaying.}

Drill 2 holes in you base board and PVC pipe.  Make sure these holes line up because your dowels will sit here running from your base through the pipe.

Once your holes are drilled and your sure they line up and everything will fit together nicely, paint your wood the color you choose and cover your PVC with your fabric.

I covered my PVC by cutting enough fabric to wrap around leaving a little to tuck in the middle.  I used a thin line of glue to hold the end and clamped until dry.  Once that was dry, I used spray adhesive on the entire peice of fabric and rolled the PVC until it was covered.  At the end, I folded the fabric over and used another thin line of glue and clamped until dry.  When that dries, I tucked in the edges and used small dabs of glue to glue my edges into the pipe making sure it would lay flat.   Find the holes you drilled and cut an x there.  Cut off the excess fabric covering the hole.

Now you are ready to put everything together. {As long as all paint and glue has dried.}  First, squeeze a small amount of wood glue into your holes on the base board.  Sit your dowels into these holes and then  slide your PVC onto the dowels. 

Thats it!  Your all finished and now have a FABULOUS display for all of your beautiful headbands!!!!  YAY!!!!  Pat yourself on the back! {Please dont forget to pat your husband on the back if he helped...  We know they love praise! }